Thursday, October 23, 2008

What was ethical in this video is that they were asking if it was okay for them to do that. Because you wouldn't want to get in trouble and then maybe even get fired or stop working for a week. All that can affect you on how you work and where you work. So do the right choices. What was unethical was when you do not do the right choices or not even ask for permission. If you are not planning to tell what you are going to do, make sure you do ethical things. Or ask first if you can do the things if you are not sure.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

This was an ethical situation. It was an ethical situation because the video was showing how good everyone was working with a good attitude. The unethical was when like if you know you are having problems in your job like not getting enough money or bad tip etc...... Then you can move on with your life and have a better job. You still have your skills and your goals. So just move on with life.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Teamwork and Cooperation
In the video ethical was when they were working together. Unethical was when you he didn't want to here about the chic. So when you work together with your partner you can trust them when they are doing the right thing. They are being ethical. But when they are talking about something else that does not go with what they are doing then you can't trust that person because they are not doing their job. That is unethical. So be careful who you work with.
What is wrong in this situation is that that some of the messages that were diverted were kind of personal.  But also the e-mails should of not been sent out in the first place to the whole class. That is wrong because what about if that happened to you. You wouldn't want people to know personal stuff about you. So unless your ok with what happened in this situation then you can do that. But if your not then why do it.